• slovenski,slovene,slowenisch


119 x 59 x 1,05 cm / polished / 1 color / rectified porcelain tile

Sophistication and exceptional quality with a focus on an extraordinary experience. Statuario marble is an exclusive white marble that originates from Carrara region in Italy. It is one of the most sought-after natural stones due to its pure white color and soft pattern of grey veins and shadows. It is the material of choice for architects and designers for the use of luxurious projects in the most beautiful homes in the world, thanks to its compatibility with other natural and artificial materials. Statuario White porcelain tiles represent this marble in detail with high resolution digital graphic and supreme polished finish that creates distinctive reflections and perfect smooth surface. The combination of classic design and strength of a porcelain gives you a sustainable covering for a lifetime and beyond.
Abrasion Resistance: PEI IV
Type: Frost Resistant
Suitable for: Indoor and Outdoor Areas
Number of Different Faces: 11
V2: Tiles With Slight Shade or Graphic Variation
